
Help – Free and Payment training programs

Programs – this is the section where Free and Paid training programs are located.

This section displays programs of any type and format, any frequency and for any type of athlete preparedness.

On the left side of the page are the names of the programs and a brief description for the athletes.

To see detailed information about the program, you can click on its title with the cursor.

If the program is free, a detailed program will be displayed on the right side of the window.

In the program itself you can find out:

You can find a tasks in each training day, an exercise with a video or photo (if the trainer wants to additionally visualize some special element).

If there are many tasks in one training day, you can view the complete list by dragging the scroll slider down. If there are two, three or more workouts in one day, you can view them by pressing the left and right arrows.

If the program is long and designed for several months, you can scroll through the program by dragging the bottom slider to the right.

The top header of the section allows the following:

The tab “Reviews” – the ability to comment a program, only for paid subscribers.

The top search bar allows you to search for programs by name.

Additional interface elements (right side) allow you to speed up work with created workouts: copying workouts, editing workouts or deleting.

Creating a workout program

To create a program, click “Plus” – an additional window for specifying training options will appear on the right side of the program window.

The program name – as what your sports program will be called.

Target activity – set sports activity (for example: running, swimming, crossfit, weightlifting, etc.).

Level of training – Easy, Medium, High.

Athlete Level – No, Beginner, Intermediate, Good, Professional.

Description – A brief description of the essence of your program.

Fixed – a program that has a completed look, for example, “Preparing for a swim across Lake N”, lasting 2 weeks. If you check this box, then the user who downloads it to his account will not be able to see the program updates. To download a new program – the user will need to delete the old one and download the new version.

The current program (if you do not tick off that the program is fixed) – a program that the creator appends regularly, replenishing it with new workouts. A user who has subscribed to the current program will receive all its updates as they appear.

Paid – here you need to check the box, and in the column below set the cost of the program, then by clicking “+ add service”, you can set the cost of additional paid services that the user can buy with the program during purchase. For example, an additional paid option to the program may be a trainer’s consultation for 1 hour / N amount.

Save – saves the program.

Adding workouts when creating a program

For a fixed program – click the three dots to the right in the window of the selected day, in the pop-up window click “+ add workout”. After you click “+ add a workout”, a window will open where, using the upper filter, you can choose a workout from the workouts you previously created. The choice of training can be done from your private training, and from the training of your groups.

For the current program (a program that is constantly updated) – to add a workout, select the current day at the time the program was created or any other future day, but not past. All other steps are as for a fixed program.

Search for programs

To find the desired program based on the desired parameters use the advanced search. On mobile devices, the program search filter is the main tool, since when entering the program section, the user will see only his created programs.


In the pop-up window, select the search options to find the desired program.