
Help – Creating a training in WebSportPlan


To create a workout you need to register in the WebSportPlan.com project or login to your account through the project home page.

Go to the “Training” menu and click on the “Plus” icon to open the window for creating a new workout.

You can choose 2 main options in the window, : Add Activity or Add Series.

The difference between these elements is as follows: you can add a large number of activities to the Series, specify the quantity of repetitions.

For Activity, write a activity description, the quantity per 1 repeat and the quantity of repetitions.

In a new window, before creating a workout, you need to select its type.

Private is a personal training that will be available only for you. None of users can see it until you change the access.

Group – this training will be available to athletes of your groups.

In order for the training to be created, you must fill out the following required fields:

1 – The start date of the workout. Do not worry, later you can easily change the start of the workout through the editing menu.

2 – Type of training (Private or Group).

3 – The number of repetitions for each exercise or series.

4 – Amount is a parameter that displays the intended work and volume (in numbers).

5 – Measurement type – allows you to specify the units of measure for the exercise (number – for repetitions, length (in meters) – for jogging or swimming or riding, weight (in kilograms) for barbell or weights, time (in hours, minutes, seconds and hundredths ) – to indicate the duration of the exercise or approach.

6 – Closing sign (cross) – allows you to remove this block from the created workout.

You can increase the quantity of exercises in a workout by simply clicking on the “Add Series” or “Add Activity” button. In this case, a new empty block will be added to the workout creation window.

The “Gear” icon (No. 6 in the screenshot) allows you to add photos, videos and pictures that will further demonstrate how to perform this exercise.

With this, you can massively add several photos at a time. This is convenient if you want to help athletes better understand how to complete the task.

In this example, you see an added video that helps you get an exercise gist.

This example shows a diagram – the coach emphasizes the swimmer’s position in the water.

If you have a lot of diverse trainings by sport, then it is possible to designate a workout with a separate color marker and mark so that you can quickly find it visually.

Select the menu with three dots to determine which tasks you want to enter results in.

At the same time, you can choose the type returned results: Weight, Height, Length, Quantity, Pulse, Comment, Route, Tracker, Video, Photo. You can set any of these fields as required.

After creating a workout, tasks you want to enter the results will be marked with red stars. Click on the “Enter Results” button to enter the results.

Workout editing

After saving the workout, you can Edit, Copy, Delete Workout.

Search for created workouts can be done by date, or by the selected range: you can select several workouts at the same time to perform operations (copying, deleting). To do this, select the check box in the training header for the day.

You can also view your created workouts in the Calendar menu tab.

Copy workout

To copy a workout – select the desired activity using the date or date range filter (the filter is located in the upper right menu of the interface).

Using the check box, specify the Copy operation.  Specify the date you need copy the workout in the new selection window.

Similarly, if you want to copy 3 workouts, mark 3 trainings with a checkbox and set the BEGINNING date from which your workouts will be copied.

Start training

The training section has the following controls:

Check box – allows you to select one or more workouts to copy or delete.

Button “Start / Preview Training” – allows you to fill in the results of the workout.

The Three Points menu allows you to open the workout control menu.

The training filled with results changes its color to green.


Training results

For individual or group training – it is possible to view training results, add comments – coach / lead group, mark a training completed.

To do this – go to the “Results” menu section.

For each athlete in the group – you can view training results, taking into account the established fields for filling.

In this training, this is the time.